John Lovato Jr.
1 min readDec 6, 2020


I just got off of a 48 at the firehouse.

The second half we had our annual department Christmas feed.

All current and former members of the department are invited.

Its a nice event where many bring their families.

One of my favorite parts is when the retirees show up.

Getting the former and current members of a departments is a wonderful thing to me.

There’s a lot to be learned by people who have been in our shoes before.

You know what they say about history?

If you do not learn from it, you are doomed to repeat it.

My big message is to learn from those with more experience.

Most importantly, pass on what you know to those with less experience.

This is an area that gets neglected too often.

Experience and skills are not passed on and people remain at a basic skill level.

Have you passed on everything to those on your team?

Think about this one.

A good way to find out is to put on some realistic, challenging drills and watch the performance.

Let me know how it goes.

Since alot of you recently bought the company officer logbook, I’m sending a video on how to maximize its use.

Watch the video by clicking here.

