John Lovato Jr.
Nov 19, 2020


We had our training field day earlier this week.

The drills were Search & RIT.

The Search drills were done with a group of 3 people.

My engineer played the role as the officer. He is finishing his acting captain taskbook and was riding the front right seat that day.

We used an oriented search for this 800 sq ft house we were searching.

It was smoked out with hollywood smoke.

The engineer played the oriented person, while the firefighter and myself were the searchers.

We finished the search in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The Chief said it was the fastest time. The average department time has been 4 minutes.

What was our secret?


We just did the basics.

We stayed low in a crawling like position.

The oriented person stayed oriented and directed the searchers. While the firefighter searched one room, I searched another. All while leaving the oriented person in the hallway.

We only communicated what was neccesary. Room clear or found someone. Then we moved on to the next.

Thats it.

There is nothing advanced about it.

We just mastered the basics.

This is just like life in a way.

We do better when we just master the basics.

Master taking care of your health by eating real food.

Master your stress by sweating every day in some type of workout.

Master your family by being present with them.

If you want some help with mastering your leadership then watch for another email next week.

We are having a HUGE black friday sale on a couple of items.

Have a great weekend!

